Ready to nurture and grow your business?
All members go through this process before joining
If you’re interested in becoming a member, you can let the executive, or announce to the group that you’d like to join.
Submit our membership application to our membership coordinator: Meagan Cumming.
7:00 AM — Business building & Networking
7:30 AM — Business introduction round table
8:15 AM — News, committee reports, and announcements
8:20 AM — Member or guest business presentations
8:40 AM — Questions, member testimonials
9:00 AM — Conclusion
NGBB members all agree to a code of ethics. Great customer service, and doing business above board is what NGBB members value most.
Upon having my membership accepted by the North Grenville Business Builders (NGBB), I agree to conduct business affairs and myself in a highly ethical manner during the time that I remain an active member of the group.
NGBB members all agree to a code of ethics. Great customer service, and doing business above board is what NGBB members value most.
Upon having my membership accepted by the North Grenville Business Builders (NGBB), I agree to conduct business affairs and myself in a highly ethical manner during the time that I remain an active member of the group.
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